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Irish author, Audrey Griffin, takes her readers on a whistle-stop tour of Israel from its Biblical origins to the crucible of recent and current day events in this eye-opening, disruptive book. Its affable narrative and open and compelling style engage the reader from the start. HEY, IRELAND! ISRAEL’S ON THE LINE is sure to break down barriers and challenge the mindset of a nation which is now possibly the ‘most anti-Semitic’ in Europe. 


Middle Eastern Politics 

International Relations

Israel and the Church


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Books and Branch

Book Description


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HEY IRELAND! ISRAEL'S ON THE LINE is a must read for everyone who values truth and wishes for peace, reconciliation and an end to all conflict between today's Israelis and Palestinians 

Alan Shatter

former Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence

Her book is sometimes challenging, sometimes controversial, scholarly, spiritual yet accessible. If Ireland is 'the most hostile country in Europe' towards Israel, then we need to hear what Audrey Griffin has to say. Have we failed "our elder brothers in the faith"? Hopefully not. Israel is on the line - Ireland: take that call!

Mary Kenny, journalist and author

Praise & Reviews



A brilliantly fresh look at the restoration of Israel. Not just for Irish but for all audiences ... If you are looking for a clear presentation of the political and theological issues this book is for you. We recommend it for individual reading and for group study ... This book deserves to be an international bestseller

Irish authors Paul & Nuala O'Higgins

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A real eye-opener ... Any Irish person who has an interest in the Israel-Palestine question needs to read this book. It is very well researched with an extensive list of sources that back up all the arguments. Far too often, the Irish media only tells one side of the story and fails to convey the complexity of the issue but if you are interested in the truth rather than easy sound-bites and misleading headlines, this book is for you

Ciarán Reilly

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Excellent synopsis of the history and issues and an important book

Nicky Harris

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A must read. This book provides a clear, concise, informative and balanced view of Israel and its place in history and in the present time ... Audrey Griffin has lived in Israel and also in Lebanon and this richness of experience comes through in her writing

Sorcha Rossiter 



Hey, Ireland! Israel's on the Line is available for purchase from the following Irish bookshops

  • Christian Publication Centre, Middle Abbey St; ph. (01) 8726754

  • Footprints, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin; ph. (01) 6638773

  • Unbound, Bridge Street, Cork City; ph. (021) 4554703

  • LCC Bookstore, Mungret College, Limerick; ph. 0871262601

  • Aisling Family Bookshop, Galway city; ph. (091) 563680

  • Kilkenny Christian Bookshop, Coach Road; ph. 0857552367

  • Cavan Christian Bookshop, Cavan town; (049) 4361418

  • The Book Centre, Wexford town; (053) 9123543

  • To order direct from the author please email:

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Presentation & book sales in 2022:

ICEJ conference in Bray, Co. Wicklow on 26/2/22

Ladies prayer meeting, Mungret Christian Centre on 5/5/22

MDA Concert: An evening of Jewish & Irish music, Dublin on 29/6/22 & 2023

Interviewed with Jackie Goodall on Revelation TV's Middle East Report in Jan 2022.

Teach Solas interview 12 Nov 2021.

Oireachtas meeting with Ireland Israel Alliance, 5 April 2022,

to critique Amnesty International report.

For enquiries relating to speaking engagements please email the author

via the Contact page provided


About the Author

Audrey Griffin is a teacher, lover of the Irish language and author of the eye-opening, non-fiction book, Hey, Ireland! Israel’s on the Line.


Her hunger for adventure has ushered her down some interesting paths and ultimately led her on a quest for truth. It all began in 2003 when wild and charming Lebanon opened wide its doors of welcome and she succumbed to its embrace. In a home for children nestled in the mountains overlooking Beirut, Audrey spent three happy months. The experience not only nurtured a genuine love for Middle Easterners and their intriguing and hospitable culture (not to mention their amazing cuisine!), but it also exceeded her childhood dreams of working with orphaned children and whet her appetite for similar exploits.

Israel was never on her radar until two years later Providence led her to the shores of Tel Aviv, where she would embark on an adventure of a different kind: college in Jerusalem. Of all the places she has been prior and since, including Africa and Mexico, Israel proved to be most unique, a sliver of a tiny country clinging for dear life, as it were, at the edge of the vast Arabian Peninsula. From a college dorm in the heart of Jerusalem – the melting pot of the three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam – Audrey observed what life is really like in what is probably the most misunderstood and misjudged nation in the world. On a daily basis, as she traversed the streets of the ancient city she witnessed Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel interact with one another and engage in business transactions in a very casual and non-hostile manner.


Audrey experienced what life was like in the land of Israel during the 2006 war with Lebanon and discovered that the Irish media was not painting an accurate picture of what was truly taking place on both sides of the Lebanon-Israel border. It was then that her eyes were opened to seeing how ill-informed people generally are regarding what’s really happening on the ground and regarding the policies administered by the governing bodies of Israel, Gaza, the disputed territories and neighbouring countries.


It wasn’t until she was involved in humanitarian work in Siberia in 2011 that the inspiration came to write the book, Hey, Ireland! Israel’s on the Line, with the Irish population specifically in mind.


A native of Dublin, Audrey now happily resides with her husband in rural Ireland. In a former life, she aspired to being a ballerina, but that kind of lifestyle would have been far too claustrophobic for her. Besides, she likes her food too much!

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